Temple Israel
Schulenburg, Texas

We have different celebrations and functions at the Temple and in the surrounding area. Be sure to check this page for updates and new events.

Happy Chanukah to everyone!
All faiths can celebrate the Festival of Lights, the miracles of the Maccabees and rebuilding the Temple. If possible attend our community menorah lighting. You will be welcome.
Temple Israel will light the large outdoor menorah every night of Chanukah at the times listed below.
We invite the public to join our members in celebrating the Festival of Lights each evening on the front lawn of Temple Israel & Community Hall located at 211 Baumgarten Street Schulenburg, TX.
On the seventh night, Saturday December 8th we invite everyone to stay for our Hanukkah Party and prayer service with traditional foods for this holiday. If you would like to join us please RSVP at tischulenburg@yahoo.com with your names and contact info.